Been doing a fair bit of stuff on the bike of an evening, after work. Still got a few things to do (digital speedo/clocks, belly-pan etc) but it's taking shape quite nicely.
Found a leak in the petrol tank when sanding down, under some filler (right hand side lower corner) which I ended up soldering, covering with araldite and then finishing with filler to smooth back in.
The carbs have settled down now after I treated them with Red-X....
Bought some new exhaust gaskets but had a nightmare trying to fit them. Most of the studs had been replaced with bolts that had seized-in. Some had been snapped off during previous attempts at repairing....I managed to get most of them out; those that I couldn't were sawn-off, drilled out and re-tapped. All the flanges are now held on with proper studs and the new gaskets. The motor sounds sweet as a nut now with a deep throaty rumble coming out of the Motad pipe, as opposed to the leaky-front down-pipes....
The tank repair ended up looking ok after it was coated with filler and blended in
Striping was a bit fiddly around the contours, but detergent and heat-gun sorted it
Bit of over-spray leaked through my masking onto the cylinder head, but I'm going
to re-do it in the matt/satin finish that I have used on the lower casings anyway.
Going to try and fit the digital-speedo at the weekend, but judging from the wiring I found
inside the cockpit fairing this is going to be a bit of a nightmare
Mud-guard and forks painted black and disks in a gold Hammerite
I also bought a proper passenger grab-rail, which I painted-up in black.
The lines are a lot nicer without the rack/carrier.